Have a last minute guest coming over? No time to do a good job cleaning your home? You can clean any room in 5 minutes with these tips.
We’ve all had a call that someone is coming over in just a few minutes. You get off the phone and look around and panic sets in.
In an ideal world, our home would always be ready for guests but things happen and we live in our homes. We also shouldn’t be as worried about it because all of us have messy homes from time to time but I think it’s easier to teach you how to clean fast than stop caring if people see your mess. I haven’t been able to learn that lesson yet.
First, just shut the doors to as many rooms as you can. For me, the rooms I need to have ready when guests come over are the main bathroom, living room and kitchen.
Now that you know what you need to clean start with the most embarrassing space and see what you can have time for.
- Grab a laundry basket.
- Throw everything that doesn’t belong in that room in the basket.
- Hide the basket somewhere guests usually don’t go. The garage or a closet are usually good options.
- Fold any blankets, fluff pillows, quickly wipe visible surfaces. I like to use a microfiber duster for this, it’s the quickest method.
- Spray a bit of room spray around the room. Or start a diffuser.
- If you have time left run the vacuum over the traffic areas. This is a time when it’s nice to have a cordless vacuum.
Note: If the room you are working with is the kitchen the method is a bit different due to dishes. Fill your dishwasher, do not rinse. If there are any left just fill your sink with hot soapy water and put them in that. It looks a lot better than just having dirty dishes out.
This is of course not a method of cleaning you should use often, only for emergencies. Don’t forget after the guest leaves to go back to your basket and put the items where they go.
This kind of cleaning emergency is why I try very hard to keep my living room, guest bathroom, and kitchen picked up and ready for guests. It’s not always the case but that is my goal.
If you have a bit more time than just 5 minutes try the crisis cleaning method. It’s a method you can use even when you aren’t actually rushed but you need some motivation to get things done.
Another tip that will help your house seem clean quickly is using a nicely scented all-purpose cleaner. I love the Mrs. Meyer’s all-purpose spray because it works and smells good. Clean your kitchen countertops or bathroom with it and it will smell like your home is nice and clean.
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